Monday, December 31, 2007

Movie Ratings

For some time now, I have been concerned about the entertainment we consume. True, there is some that is good and helpful to our spirits. However, there is much that us not good and very detrimental to our souls. I believe the Church has been clear on what we should watch and not watch. The standard that we use to measure whether we watch something or not should be whether or not we can continue to feel the Holy Ghost. If we cannot, then the entertainment is not for us. In my view, this certainly would mean that r-rated films are out of the question. This also means many pg-13 and even pg films should be closely examined.

To that end, I have discovered a website (actually a friend showed it to me) that does content measurements on virtually every film that is being released. It also has older movies as well as an archive. The website is called, Kids-In-Mind. I commend it to anyone who is interested in the content of a movie, regardless of the rating, before they or their family watches it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The impact movies has is surprising to me - in terms of intensity. And that it's real, not just some theological rambling. I used to think people were extreme for not watching certain shows. I don't think that anymore. I think if people don't watch PG-13 movies or R movies just because they're not supposed to, that's fine because they're engaged in a good habit. But when we start to realize the impact of those things and then don't watch it for that reason, in addition to prophetic counsel - I think that's when we have a Spirit about us that encourages other people to find better entertainment as well.

I very rarely see PG-13 movies these days. I made that goal years ago, but felt anal about it, and came across as anything but inspiring. These days, however, watching most of those kinds of movies has an affect on me that I just can't afford. I need the Spirit with me every day. If some people can watch and hear certain things and not be affected, good for them. I'm not so certain that's possible, but - if it is, great. For me though.... I need to have edifying entertainment. There's actually a pretty nifty book out there called, "How to Pick a Family Flick" by a movie critic, Chris Hicks. There's not a single PG-13 movie in it, and there are over 700 reviews.

I've been on my share of dates, and it didn't take too long for me to feel the burn of a statement that came up WAY too often when going to see movies: "Hey, that was a great movie!... except for that one part."

It was embarrasing. I like to do activities now where we leave saying, "That was great! ESPECIALLY that one part." It makes such a big difference.

~ Kurt Manwaring ~