Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Moses' Keys

I have spent the last several months thinking, studying, and talking to my trusted friends about my last blog entry. I don't know if anyone is reading, but I thought I ought to post my latest idea.

After I learned what I learned, I visited the new lds.org online scriptures site. I did a search of "keys" and learned some very interesting things. I will only share one item.

My search took me to D&C 124. I was reading along where the Lord is telling Joseph that His people have no place on the earth where they can perform their baptisms for the dead, washings, anointings, etc. Then, all of a sudden a verse caught my heart and mind: 38.

It reads as follows:
"For, for this cause I commanded Moses that he should build a tabernacle, that they should bear it with them in the wilderness, and to build a house in the land of promise, that those ordinances might be revealed which had been hid from before the world was."

I have read this verse many times, but I realized few things I had not in previous reads.

1. This verse stands out and in a way is unnecessary for the Lord to make His point. In other words, if this verse were missing, the doctrine and concept could still get a across and the verses would still flow. Indeed, verse 38 almost seems as if it were an aside.
2. The prophet Moses is being brought up in this section in connection with a discussion on the ordinances of the Temple.
3. In D&C 84 we are told Moses brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt to take them to the Promised Land. But before that could happen, he brought them to Mount Sinai so they could receive their endowment from On High. We learn from D&C 84 that they would not receive it so Moses and the Melchizedek Priesthood were taken out of their midst.
4. There are other things, but for whatever reason I can't remember them. I will add them later, etc.

My conclusion is essentially a strengthened position that I took in my last post. Which is: Moses brought to Joseph and Oliver the keys and authority to perform Temple ordinances. This makes sense, as the other two ministrants that came after brought Temple-specific keys: Elias with Temple marriage or the Abrahamic Covenant and Elijah with the sealing power. Looking at it another way, the prophets all come back and give their keys to Joseph and Oliver in the same way a member of the Church progresses through the successive Temple ordinances: initiatory, endowment, marriage, sealing it all together.

I am still working through this concept. If you have any thoughts or additional ideas, I would be very happy to hear them. This has continued to be exciting to me. My next plan is to look at each prophet that brought a Priesthood Key to Joseph Smith and examine the meaning of that Key. My thought is that if I had Moses and his Keys wrong all this time, what else am I missing? I suppose this is one of those times when I am genuinely excited about being incorrect on a doctrine; because I am determined to purify my understanding of the doctrine.


- Posted using my iPad

Location:Berkshire Ln,Dallas,United States

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