Monday, August 04, 2008

More on Joseph Smith readings

I have come across more information for those who are interested in learning about Joseph Smith. Here is a link to a bibliography that the BYU Harold B. Lee Library, L. Tom Perry Special Collections team has put together. Next is wonderful news about the Joseph Smith Papers Project. Deseret Book has posted an image and a pre-order link to purchase (in advance) the first volume of the project (Journals volume 1).

This is very exciting to me. This was the volume I worked on (I did some fact checking). My hope is that this book really will be available soon.


  1. very exciting about the Joseph Smith paper project. I have been waiting for volume 1 to be available for purchase. I love the blog and how thorough your doctrinal posts are, you leave no room for questions


  2. hey, did you see that pic of Joseph Smith that has been going around via email?

    andrew sherman


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