Sunday, November 25, 2007

Law of Consecration

I gave a talk a few weeks ago in my ward on the Law of Consecration. I have decided to post four images that I created on my laptop, based on four images I found in one of the books I read in preparation for the talk. The images were done by Lyndon Cook in his book, Joseph Smith and the Law of Consecration. It is a hard book to find, and a tad expensive, but a fun and fairly brief book to read. Recently there was an article published in BYU Studies (Volume 46, Number 3, 2007) by Max H. Parkin. Brother Parkin's article deals with many of the same issues, with a focus on the comings and doings of the United Firm.

These four images help to visually see the different stages of the Law of Consecration in Church History.


  1. These graphics are so pixelated that they are impossible to read. Can you share them?

  2. These graphics come from the In order to have versions of these images with better resolution they need to be created. I have done that and am willing to email them to you if you send me your email.


I am excited to hear (or read as the case may be) your thoughts. I reserve the right to edit your comment if I feel it is appropriate to do so. Like wise, if I feel your comment is inappropriate, I will not post it. Having said that, please share. The dialogue is important.