Sunday, June 03, 2007

Aaronic Priesthood Lessons

So, I have been feeling that it is time for me to pick up the torch and begin adding entries to the blog. However, I have struggled as to what I might include. To be honest, the things that I would really like to blog would simply not be appropriate to share. The thoughts that take up most of my time are related to my calling at Church (I am serving as a bishop). I don't think I should be sharing my thoughts and feelings, when they should clearly stay between myself and the Lord.

That being said, I have found something that I could begin to include. This year, for our Aaronic Priesthood lessons, I have decided to make a change. Before I share the change, let me explain the thought process that helped me arrive to the decision I made.

While teaching Doctrine and Covenants and Book of Mormon classes at BYU, as well as in conversations with ward members and others, I have realized that priesthood understanding, both with men and women in the Church, is at best jaundiced. I believe the reason is that many times we simply do not have the time to invest in learning priesthood principles. In other words, a price needs to be paid, but few are willing to ante up the resources.

I also remember that in the mission field (I served in the Brasil Sao Paulo Interlagos Mission (1995-1997)) there was a need for missionaries to know and understand priesthood principles, but few had a sound grasp of them.

It is my hope that the young men in my ward will be of some use to future priesthood leaders. In order for them to be seen as a resource, I recognize that I will need to ensure that they are prepared.

So, on each Fast Sunday in our ward, during the third hour, members of the bishopric teach the lesson a priesthood principles I have carefully selected. Below are the topics and the schedule:

January: Joseph Smith and the First Vision

February: Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood

March: Quorums of the Aaronic Priesthood

April: The Office of Bishop

May: Aaronic Priesthood Mission Statement

June: Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, its Quorums, and D&C 121

July: Priesthood and Church Government

August: Priesthood Keys

September: Priesthood Ordinances (the “why” and the “how-to”)

October: The First Presidency & the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

November: Missionary Work: Organization and the Priesthood in the Mission Field

December: Why the Priesthood? & Oath and Covenant: A Summary and Recap of the Year

I am also preparing a book based on the above topics. I will post, from time to time, portions of my lessons that I think may be of interest to the readers of this blog. I am also interested in feedback. I hope you enjoy.

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