Thursday, March 08, 2007

D&C 25 – Emma and the First Hymnal

Verse 3: Emma is the “Elect Lady”

There is only one other instance in scripture where “elect lady” is used (2 John 1:1). Emma would yet become the first woman in this dispensation to receive the fulness of temple blessings and to preside over the Relief Society. On the day of the organization of the Relief Society, the Prophet recorded that “elect” meant to be “elected to a certain work, &c., and that the revelation was then fulfilled by Sister Emma’s election to the Presidency of the Society, she having previously been ordained to expound the scriptures” (Smith, History of the Church, 4:552-53).

Verse 4: Emma not to see the Plates of Gold

This most likely refers to the fact that she never saw the Plates of Gold—she was not a witness. Who were the witnesses and how many were there?

1. Oliver Cowdery, baptized, excommunicated, re-baptized

2. David Whitmer, excommunicated

3. Martin Harris, excommunicated, re-baptized

4. Christian Whitmer, baptized

5. Jacob Whitmer, baptized, excommunicated

6. Peter Whitmer, Jun, baptized

7. John Whitmer, baptized, excommunicated

8. Hiram Page, baptized, excommunicated

9. Joseph Smith, Sen, baptized

10. Hyrum Smith, baptized

11. Samuel H. Smith, baptized

12. Joseph Smith, baptized

13. Mary Whitmer, baptized, excommunicated

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